Monday 25 April 2011


“I always heard
don’t go messing with a girl with guns
she don’t need you
she couldn’t love you
she couldn’t be any fun,”
“I never thought I could handle a girl with guns
and let me tell you
you can bet that I'm not the only one”

The beginning of many grand adventures; starting at Deane's South Coast Farm which I visited in the April Holidays.  Lisa and I took a drive down the South Coast in promise of Rifles 101, and some target practice with the boys...turns out we are not a bad shot, a couple of bulls-eyes each!! Not bad for a days shooting!!!

We are planning another visit in the near future and hope to see more of the Farm, Hydroponic Farming sounds fascinating!! And improve our shooting; from good, to EXCELLENT!!  We have been promised a clay pigeon shooting experience...and by George we shall be having it!!

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