Friday 11 March 2011

A Blog


Like most blogs this one is going to serve as a journal; visually, musically and poetically.  I have never been good at keeping journals or travel diaries but this I know will be something different.  I have traveled to Cape Town to pursue a new Career as a Makeup Lecturer.  This I admit has been something I have wanted to do since I completed my Makeup studies in 2008, and it’s just the challenge I was looking for.  It has only been two months and sleepless nights have already found their way into my well structured routines, and with this my usual perfectly scheduled life has been turned upside down. With my black and white life being clouded with grey I am starting to accept that I can’t control everything…and that to me is uncomfortably exciting.

Without all my unrealistic goals I have found more time for my short term goals and hobbies; learn to play the guitar, learn to sing (if only in key), to bake, to do cake decorating, to paint and draw again, to design children's toys/decor, learn to sew my own clothes, develop my green thumb, become a kitchen goddess, to go on more adventures, discover & explore, take a photography course, become a well known makeup artist, stylist, art director & producer of fashion and creative shoots…

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