Tuesday 4 June 2013

Woah the shame of the polar bear that fears the water...

Well this blog has been on and off for the past 2 years now and my-my how very cluttered and erratic it is! It's quite close to the way my mind works...constantly jumping from thought to thought, task to task and of course the odd blank when one gets rather overwhelmed due to the lack of lists and priority ranking in simple day to day life...

That said (what a mouthful) I have decided to reconnect with what drew me to blogging in the first place; expressing my thoughts, sharing; my adventures, favourite poems, art works I fancy, recipes to die for and all that magical stuff I mentioned at the start of 2011 (Big, trying to convince you, smile).

Seriously though, how does one share everything that means so much to them without it all coming out so very garbled and cluttered, leaving you confused and disinterested? Why am I thinking so hard about this, it should be easy, not a constant edit of posts worrying about whether or not it looks right or if people like it...but rather that I like it...

Which brings me to then apologising for all the random not so great posts over the past two years...one should not post for the sake of posting but rather when one wants/needs to post...I think...and I do have so much to post about and share.

So dear people of this cyber world I hope to bring you more genuine and thoughtful posts (cause that's who I am, genuine and thoughtful).

Here is to taking back my blog! (smile)

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