broken prose


12 May 2011

With a pen
she inked a heart
on his chest
and showed him love
and love he did
'til the ink did fade
and his love turned jade
she tried to ink it back again
but he did not want it then
and even though the ink did fade
her love remains
within his veins
10 May 2011
She stands, her hand open at her side, waiting for his to meet hers in the rain
her golden waves hang heavy, and her clothes hug her bones
he is not coming, and this she knows
but for what it's worth, she stands and holds her pose...
16 April 2011
he kept her heart in the sole of his shoe
so that no one would see it
but where ever he went she would go too

24 March 2011

her hair bleeds veins down her back
and under her eyes,
turned black,
as she slowly looks towards the sky.
you can watch her fade,
into the night,
and if you listen closely,
hear her flight...