Tuesday 22 March 2011

Dreams between sleep...

Introducing Asleep in Transit, a local Durban band, that has entered the Indie music scene with a folksy, instrumental sound and exciting vocal mix, giving them a quirky and light-hearted character. The lead singers combine their voices with interesting effect: the powerful vocals of Irina Buzdugan, who's voice has a range to send any songstress into fits of jealousy, contrasts so well with the softer sounds of Allister Christie's voice, which is reminiscent of the vocals heard in Postal Service or Two Door Cinema Club.

Their songs create an air of times present and times to live. Besides the acoustic guitar sound (played by Christie), they are often accompanied by Jason Du Randt on Bass Guitar and cellist, Michael Jooste.
I have not yet seen the group perform live but I hope to make it to one of their performances very soon. They have already performed twice this year and very recently alongside better-known, South African band Wrestlerish at Unit 11, a Durban Indie club and band venue.

Check out their facebook page http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Asleep-in-Transit/135212256548591 and have a listen to their first single: Brother, Sister.

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