Saturday 14 July 2012

A Very Happy Birthday!

Just when I think that Birthday celebrations are becoming a memory of younger more carefree days I am surprised with two surprise 'parties', a family dinner (which is an annual event) and a dinner with some dear friends....what more could I have asked for :)

A Surprise 'party' just for me at Durban's very special Factory Cafe.  Everyone put together a small table of finger snacks; mini wraps, candy floss, macaroons and other treats.

And later that afternoon/evening I went for a sushi Birthday dinner with some dear friends at Marula...after some much missed sushi, a glass or two of Angels Tears and the opening of my present from D (The SG Book I have been eyeing out every visit to exclusive books we have had) we decided to test out the play ground!

And later in the week a family dinner which was absolutely mouth watering!!! A cheese cake for DESSERT!

A trip down the South Coast to Margate was to be a quaint weekend away with Deane and D... and yet another surprise...a huge red velvet cake decorated in rose petals and glitter.  I must say that I turned a medium shade of red when this was presented to me in front of others lunching, but what a delightful day!

The restaurant in the last set of images is Burlesque Cafe in Ramsgate -